Shiv Dvn Garments LLP
Shiv Dvn Garments Llp is a 2 years 6 months old Limited Liability Partnership Firm incorporated on 25-May-2022, having its registered office located at D-87, Sector-63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
The major activity of Shiv Dvn Garments Llp is Manufacturing, Sub-classified into Retail trade except of motor vehicles and motorcycles and is primarily engaged in the Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles clothing and footwear.
Shiv Dvn Garments Llp is classified as Micro enterprise in the financial year 2021-22. It has its unit situated at Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
Company Information
Company Name: | Shiv Dvn Garments LLP |
Business Type: | Industry Manufacturers |
Zip Code: | 201309 |
Register Address: | D-87, Sector 63 |
Quality Control Policy: | Incoming Material Inspection Policy In-Process Quality Control (IPQC) Policy Final Inspection and Testing Policy Continuous Improvement and Feedback Policy |
Main Product: | Garments |
Contact Info
D-87, Sector 63, Uttar Pradesh,
India -
Mr. Fitenue
Managing Director