RFQ for Kids Garments

Quantity Required: 1000 (Pairs)
Buyer Details
Company Name
Aimen xxxxxx
Buyer From
+92 3 xxxxxx
Contact Name
Mr. xxxxxx
Company Address
R-38 xxxxxx
Product Category
Apparel & Garments
Requirement Details
We are looking to purchase kids' garments and are contacting manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can meet our requirements.

- Product Name: Kids Garments
- Buyer Country: Pakistan
- Quantity: 1000 Pairs
- Packing Terms: Poly/ Bulk

Product Types:
- Girls' frocks
- T-shirts
- Pants
- Boys' T-shirts
- Shirts
- Pants
- Bermuda shorts
- Age Range: 3 to 10 years old

- Provide competitive pricing
- Include product pictures
- Submit a detailed quotation

Purchase Criteria:
- Must meet quality standards
- Competitive rates are crucial
- Timely delivery is expected

Please send your quotation and product details based on the above requirements.
Buy Quantity: 1000 (Pairs)
Packaging Info: Poly/ bulk
Shipping Terms: cnf

Contact Buyer About This Buy Requirement