Buy Requirement - Men Shirts

Quantity Required: 275 (Pieces)
Buyer Details
Company Name
Madhu xxxxxx
Buyer From
+91 9 xxxxxx
Contact Name
Mr. xxxxxx
Company Address
Madh xxxxxx
Product Category
Apparel & Garments
Requirement Details
Buy Requirement: Men Shirts

Buyer Information:
Country: India
Quantity: 275 Pieces
Packing Terms: Flexible

Purchase Specifications:
- Product: Men Shirts

- All types of men shirts
- Readymade clothing, garments, fabrics, and accessories

- Wholesale supply
- Promotional and corporate events
- Gifting
- Export and international online sale

Who Should Respond:
Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters of men shirts are invited to provide quotations. The buyer is looking for competitive rates and quality products suitable for bulk orders.
Buy Quantity: 275 (Pieces)
Packaging Info: Any

Contact Buyer About This Buy Requirement