Purchase Requirement for Women's Western Wear

Quantity Required: 100 (Pieces)
Buyer Details
Company Name
Bella xxxxxx
Buyer From
+91 8 xxxxxx
Contact Name
Mr. xxxxxx
Company Address
57/1 xxxxxx
Product Category
Apparel & Garments
Requirement Details

We are currently seeking manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide quotations for Women's Western Wear. The buyer is based in India and is looking to establish a long-term relationship with high-quality manufacturing facilities. Below are the specific details of the requirement:

  • Product Name: Women's Western Wear
  • Buyer Location: India
  • Quantity Required: 100 pieces
  • Packing Terms: To be discussed

We are particularly interested in working with facilities that can support both product development and bulk production. Please provide your minimum order quantity (MOQ) pricing and any other relevant details that would assist in evaluating your offer.

Buy Quantity: 100 (Pieces)

Contact Buyer About This Buy Requirement

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